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Title: Influence Of Academic Qualifications On Lecturers’ Proficiency In The Utilization Of Information And Communication Technology Resources In Colleges Of Education In Kano State, Nigeria
Authors: Samuel Adebisi ONASANYA; Abdu DANYARO; Ahmed Idris ISSA; ATTAH, Justina Ojoma MOHAMMED, Al-amin
Year: 2022
Publication No: GOMJE-2022-118
Total downloads: 239
Issue: Volume 5, Number 1
File size: 211 Kb
The role of ICT in teaching and learning is very germane as it offers incalculable benefits in facilitating the acquisition of qualitative and quantitative knowledge and skills in higher institutions of learning. However, the level of integration of ICT in teaching and learning in higher institutions generally is not encouraging. Lecturers’ academic qualifications seem to be a variable that can influence the colleges of education lecturers’ proficiency level of ICT resources utilization. The study focused on the influence of academic qualifications on lecturers’ proficiency in the utilization of information and communication technology resources in colleges of education in Kano state. The study adopted descriptive research survey design. Population for the study comprised all lecturers of colleges of education in Kano State. The target population for the study comprised all the lecturers in the three Colleges of Education in Kano State totaling 1,194. A total of 286 colleges of education lecturers were proportionally selected from the Federal College of Education, Kano and Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education, Kumbotso, Kano. Two research questions and one null hypothesis were raised and answered in the study. The instruments for the study was researchers designed questionnaire and adapted list from National Commission for Colleges of Education, Minimum Standard (2012) for data collection. The questionnaire was titled “Influence of Academic Qualifications on Lecturers’ Proficiency in the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology Resources” (IAQLPUQ). The questionnaire was validated and tested for reliability and it yielded 0.79. The data collected were analyzed using mean and simple percentages The null hypothesis was tested with one-way ANOVA at 0.05 significant level. The findings of the study revealed that colleges of education in Kano State had all the ICT resources and lecturers in colleges of education in Kano State had moderate proficiency in the use of ICT resources. The study also indicates that there was significant difference in the lecturers’ proficiency in the use of ICT resources based on their academic qualifications. Lecturers who has bachelor’s degree and masters were more proficient than those has possess doctorate degree. The study concluded that colleges of education in Kano State have basic ICT resources as required by NCCE. That government and school management should provide an enabling environment that will encourage the use of ICT resources within the educational sector.
