
JJOP Cover Page
Title: Business Educators View And Readiness Towards E-portfolio Information And Communication Technology Tool In Higher Institutions Of Learning
Authors: Hameed Olalekan PhD BOLAJI; Afiss Adebayo FAWALE
Year: 2019
Publication No: GOMJE-2019-98
Total downloads: 483
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1
File size: 575 Kb
The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has taken several dimensions in the realm of teaching and learning processes. Hence, view of the integrators about emerging ICT is of utmost essence at this point. This study is a descriptive research of the survey method. It sought the views and readiness of Business Educators on the integration of e-Portfolio ICT tool in higher institution of learning. Three research questions were raised. The sample size was drawn from the target population of higher institution lecturers in Southwest, Nigeria using purposive sampling techniques. A researcher-designed questionnaire made up of sections A-C was used as an instrument in gathering the views and readiness of respondents. The questionnaire was validated by five (three educational technologist and two business educators) experts and was subjected to Cronbach Alpha for reliability test which yielded 0.91. Frequency and percentages were used to answer the research questions. The results revealed that Business Educators viewed e-portfolio as a useful ICT tool for instructional activities, and are ready to integrate it for quality teaching. It is then recommended that e-portfolio should be employed to promote skill acquisition in Business-related education programmes in higher institution of learning
